Thursday, June 17, 2010

OK I know that I am the worse blogger but I always check you all out. And I'm glad that I have such wonderful blogs to learn from. Its been crazy here. Trying to get things done. I'm in a swap and guess what happened. Yes my sewing machine took SICK. So I brought her in and she is so sick they didn't have the part and they needed to order it. That's OK I will start using the machine I bought at a church sale. Well I thought it was working and guess what its not. So this will need to go in next. My machine should be done hopefully (Keep my fingers cross) next week and every thing is ready to finish so I should be OK. I might have to mail it over night. If that's the worse that's OK So wish me luck and I will see you all on your blog. Thanks again for all the wonderful blogs I follow.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Barb at Bejeweled Quilts is having a GO cutter giveaway Go see her at While I know you don't want to have your chance to win, if you go there and comment, PLEASE tell her Sherry from Windsor sent you as it will get me another chance or two along the way!!! Also check out AccuQuilt website. I hope the lucky winner like theres as much as Barb loves hers.